Lots of interest was shown in the tables which were selling the late Muriel Goldschmidt's stash, in aid of The Friends of Saint Cross Hospital. I hope they made a lot of money. There were certainly plenty of lovely things on sale.
We also had two more blocks in our BOM. Gaynor showed Aircastle, including a very nifty way of making quarter square triangles.
And Nik showed Road to California. She had made her block in two different colour ways, and it was very interesting to see how the same block can look completely different when the colour values are changed.
The turn out was much as usual, and people sewed, knitted or chatted quite happily .
The speaker was Pippa Moss, who was excellent. She showed her quilts and then some of the antique quilts she has collected. Her Hawaiian quilts are stunning, and there were lots of gasps and oohs from the audience.
I was very inspired when I got home, and since my husband was at the football, used the free time wisely to make up my BOM blocks. Looking good!
See you in November.