Saturday, 16 September 2017

September meeting

Now the summer is over, thoughts turn away from the garden towards quilting!  We had a lovely day at the Crescent School and we're very impressed at their renovations!  The hall was bright and cheerful, and the new lighting system was almost too bright!  We were concerned that we might be struggling for tables, but despite several pasting tables being dug out from garages and sheds, we managed very well! 

We had Mo demonstrating a very effective slice and dice block.  This one is perfect for leftover squares and scraps. 

Gwyneth and Madeline showed how to do patchwork of the crosses, first made by Lucy Boston, and ideal for those who like English paper piecing.  This is also a great opportunity for fussy cutting!  

We had 50 sets of free fabric and a cot wadding for our latest competition.  There are two different half yards of fabric for you to make up into a quilt top.  You have to add fabric of your own and bring it back to the November meeting.  There will be prizes for the ones liked best by the members.  It will also be a master class on how many different ways there are to use the same fabric!  I already have plans for mine! 

There were also two sales tables.  Julie had gorgeous fabric bundles for sale, 

And Jacquie had books to sell for her charity. 

The main event was the talk on Baltimore quilts by Sandie Lush. She told us how American women used expensive imported fabric to make Broderick Perse quilts, which were then emulated by the middle classes using cheaper plain fabrics to make similar results.  She had lots of slides and then some examples, including an antique block with beautiful small stitches.  She was an interesting and amusing speaker.  Thank you very much, Sandie! 

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