Saturday, 14 September 2019

Catching up

I'm really sorry that I haven't been keeping the blog up to date, but here are the last two meetings.
In May we had the pleasure of the company of Diane Gaffney who brought lots of examples of 'Clothes for Ceremonies'.

 Here is Dianne, ready for her talk.


 Here is Di, who is slim enough to model this fabulous outfit!  She looks so elegant!  Diane dressed several people up in outfits, showing us how they are worn, and allowing the audience to examine the details of the fabrics and the embellishments. 

This skirt was richly embroidered and appliquéd, and was a real masterpiece! 

Diane brought goodies for sale.  There was jewellery and lots of different fabrics. 

This picture is out of sequence, but shows people busy sewing, knitting or chatting before the talk. It's always a treat to see what everyone is up to! 

Then in July, our speaker had a family emergency and had to cancel at short notice.  Luckily our own Jacquie stepped into the breech and brought just a few of her quilts to show us.  We all love seeing quilts, so we were delighted!  She is one talented lady and kept us entertained with her chat. 

Here are the quilts before she started her talk!  Thank you so much for bailing us out so capably, Jacquie.  You are a star! 

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